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Hi Dave,

the size of a frame is specified in Writer by the frame style "Frame" in the sidebar ( F5 ). You can make all relevant presettings (width, centered, circulation) in the style.
I would leave the height of the frame at "Automatic".
If you need the frame frequently, you should save this file with the new frame style and blank page 1-1 as document template (possibly set as default template).

See also:

Best Regards

Am 09.10.2022 um 19:09 schrieb dboland9:
How does on place a frame in a Writer document so that the image is automatically resized to fit 
the size of the frame? The most important dimension is width, so the height can be sacrificed to 
keep the W/H ratio. I know how to resize the frame for the image, but the application has a fixed 
location, thus size.


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