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Hi Ken,

On 29/12/2021 10:54, Ken Heard wrote:
I know that the first step is to select Format -> Page style ... ->
Footnote, which opens a window with several options for the footnote
properties.  One of the options is 'Style'. Selection of 'None' for
'style' means no separator line.  If a separator line is wanted some
other selection must be made.  Unfortunately for 'style' no other
options besides 'None' are available; so it is impossible to install a
separator line above footnotes. What do I need to do to have other
options for 'style'?

I am using LO with Debian 11 'Bullseye' and the Trinity desktop
Although on my Ubuntu box using LO I couldn't reproduce your problem, today I had occasion 
to use my Windows 10 machine which has LO installed directly from the Document Foundation 
site. On that version, there are three methods to access the format footnote info and one of these 
produces an empty dropdown list for the footnote style.

Accessing the footnote tab from Format > Page Style > footnote tab shows line options in the 
dropdown for the footnote style. The same happens when I access the page style tab via the styles panel 
(which appears on the rhs of the screen when I use F11.

However, the page styles list includes a specific style entry for 'footnote' which I certainly did 
not create. When I right clicked on this footnote style and selected 'modify', it tool me to what 
looks like the normal page style dialogue with a footnote tab. Selecting this tab produced a line 
style dropdown set to 'none' with just a blank space beneath the 'none'. It looked just like you 
described, ie no other options. But hovering the cursor over the blank space within the dropdown 
shows that the three options - solid, dotted, dashed, are in fact present but not displayed.

The reason they're not displayed seems to be that the defaults in this approach to footnote 
modification have the line thickness set at 0 pt. As soon as this was changed to another value, the 
3 options became visible.

If I set the thickness to 0pt in my linux box, the same blank options dropdown is displayed.  Is 
that the answer to your problem?


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