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On 2021-12-05 10:43, Robert Großkopf wrote:
Hi emril,

The LibreOffice icon style is Sifr. When I  select another one and click
Apply, it returns to Sifr. What's wrong?

I could choose between different iconstyles:
Breeze, Colibre, Elementary, Karasa Jaga, Sifr and Sukapura.
Which LO-version on wich system do you use?

LO (x64). Windows 10.

I have installed many different LO-version, looked for the icons in LO on OpenSUSE 15.2 64bit rpm Linux.

Also, one thing I miss from OpenOffice is that it had a nice high
contrast icon theme. I wish they had something similar in LibreOffice...

Don't know anything about icon themes of OpenOffice, but the themes
above will also show high contrast versions.
You could also find themes on



From what Stuart wrote, I am afraid that my problem is with Windows High Contrast. Well, at least when I hover over an icon I can read its description...
 Thanks to both,


PS. Why I did not receive my own (first) post on this list?
It ain't THAT, babe! — A radical reinterpretation

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