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On 24/10/2021 03:29, John Kaufmann wrote:
On 2021-10-23 18:14, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
Den tors 7 okt. 2021 kl 00:28 skrev T. R. Valentine <>:
On Tue, 5 Oct 2021 at 07:07, David Lynch <> wrote:

The defaults in the Find toolbar and the Find dialog are:

Direction: Rows Search in: Formulae

I normally want the opposite: Search in columns (because columns usually
consist of more homogeneous data than columns) and search in Data
(because usually I'm usually looking at the finished spreadsheet rather
than constructing it, and even when constructing a spreadsheet, search
for a formula is infrequent).

You cannot change the default from the toolbar and, if you change the
default from the dialog then move to another sheet, it changes back to
the unwelcome default.

Is there a way to change the default permanently?

Not that I've been able to find. I also prefer to search columns
before rows and wish there were a way to make that the default.


I think it would be even nicer if it remembered the settings from last time.


Enhancement request submitted:


David Lynch

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