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At 12:02 25/09/2021 -0400, Miss Keating wrote:
Is there a way to get LO (v5.2.7.2) calc to extract the numerical value from a cell, and use that instead of the cell reference in further calculations? Frinstance, if I have 167 in cell A1, and want 16.7 in A2, how can I program it, (if at all)? If I put =A1/10 into A2, A2 will contain A1/10, not 16.7,even though it will display as 16.7. I want to get away from cell references and use the contained values. Can I? I thought that =VALUE(A1)/10 might work, but the result continues to use the cell reference, not the contained value.

I *think* this is a contradiction, as any formula you put in A2 - whatever it is - will necessarily continue to refer to A1 and its value be changed when the value in A1 is modified. That's what spreadsheets do!

But there is a workaround:
o Enter your formula as usual.
o Fill it down columns or across rows as appropriate.
o Select the range of cells that you wish to freeze.
o Copy that range.
o Paste the values back into the same range, but using Paste Special instead of ordinary Paste, and ensuring that Formulae is *not* ticked in the Paste Special dialogue.

Ana alternative would be to make a copy of your original range of data values and freeze those. Then you could base your subsequent calculations on the cells containing those frozen values instead of on the originals. The copied values could be visible on the same sheet, or hidden away elsewhere on the same sheet or another sheet. You could use Print Ranges to suppress printing of whichever values you did not want to see.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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