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I have a similar, but slightly different issue.

In the past, with LO 6.x running on Windows 10, I could use Zoom’s share screen feature to place my 
Zoom webcam capture in the upper right hand corner of an LO full-screen slide presentation. I would 
use this to record lectures for college courses I teach. The Zoom webcam capture would happily 
coexist within my LO full-screen presentation.

Recently, I broke my computer and bought a new one, still running Windows 10. When I installed LO 
on the new computer, I went with LO, my first foray into the 7.x line.

Now, when I try to run a Zoom webcam capture with an LO slide presentation at full screen, the LO 
presentation takes over the entire screen and the Zoom capture is lost. I can’t place the Zoom 
webcam in the upper right corner of the screen as I once did.

Running the presentation in a window as Regina suggests will probably work, but I didn’t have to do 
that in the past. With LO 6.x I was able to run the presentation full screen (not in a window) and 
still have the Zoom webcam on top of the LO presentation. Now, I seemingly can’t do that.

I don’t know if this is by design or I am missing a setting, either in LO or in Zoom. When I ran it 
in LO 6, I don’t recall having to select any special setting in either program to make it work. The 
default settings seemed to work.


Sent from Mail<> for Windows

From: Regina Henschel<>
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2021 12:11 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] presentation mode question


the setting is in menu 'Slide Show' > 'Slide Show Settings' > part
'Presentation Mode'. Choose option 'In a window'.

Kind regards

Nilton Jose Rizzo schrieb am 14.09.2021 um 17:44:
Hi all,

is my first question here.

Sorry if this was answered before, but I couldn't find any email
messages in the archives. Can I open a presentation mode in the window
and not in full screen mode? When I need to use presentation mode in an
online conference, I lose the video conference screen (meet, zoom, Jitsi
or whatever). I only use one monitor because I don't have space in place
to put another one. My Libreoffice version is: Version: /
LibreOffice Community Build ID: 20(Build:4) CPU threads: 12; OS: FreeBSD
14.0; UI render: default; VCL: qt5 (cairo+xcb) Locale: pt-BR (C.UTF-8);
UI: pt-BR Calc: threaded

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