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On 16-Feb-2021 you started a thread ["How to ask a question on Ask LibreOffice?"] in this forum 
mentioning that you also [like Rob now] have a problem with the Ask system, and so tend to use this list 
instead -- which is fine: as noted in an earlier thread, Ask and this list are alternative communities to get 
help, and should serve the same purpose. But, as Sophi noted in reply to you, TDF hopes to combine those 
communities (web and mailing list) with an implementation of Discourse (which would also eliminate nabble, 
which existed mostly as an archive for this list).

So far, the plan has only been executed as far as eliminating nabble; Ask and this list are still 
both alive and not combined, so Rob can subscribe here (as an alternative to 
to ask questions, and keep an open (and patient) mind about whatever succeeds this list.

Meanwhile, to answer Rob's question: This sounds like what is usually called "n-up printing" (with, in Rob's 
case, n=2) or "combination printing" -- that is, putting n (2 or more) pages on a sheet, where a sheet is one 
side of a piece of paper.  As such, that is usually a function of the printer driver.

If I have misunderstood the issue, maybe Rob can reply to the list?


On 2021-08-08 13:40, Dave Barton wrote:
I don't know the answer to Rob's question.

Can someone on this list offer any suggestions?

Please cc Rob in any reply.

Thanks & Regards

-------- Original Message --------
From: Rob MM []
Sent: Friday, August 6, 2021, 18:06 UTC
To: Dave Barton
Subject: Multi-column Format

I can't make Ask.LibreOffice work so I'm sending this to you.  Thank
you for your past support.

How can I make a four-column spread sheet print in two parts, side by
side?  I am currently cutting the last half of the spread-sheet and
pasting it into the columns to the right of the original sheet.

I used to do this in Excell but can't find any information about it in

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