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Further update:

I happened to copy my MFU spreadsheet to my laptop, which is running LO

The problem I'm seeing in 7.2.0 of not remembering previous column
entries and supplying the last one (or earliest one - can't remember
which) as the default and fill-in option works fine in

I think it may be a bug and I'll gather the necessary data and submit
a bug when I get a spare minute or fifteen...


On Wed, Jul 21, 2021 at 10:24 PM MR ZenWiz <> wrote:


I noticed that some columns work this way just fine, but others do not.

I checked the format of the cells in those columns and they are all the same.

I don't get it.


On Tue, Jul 20, 2021 at 5:08 PM MR ZenWiz <> wrote:

I recently install LO version 7.2.0 on my Xubuntu 20.04.2 main
desktop, something I rarely do (install a .0 release).

In Calc, where it used to recognize the beginning of a preceding value
higher up in the column to autofill it, now it simply does not.  At

Has anyone else seen this or is it a new feature?

Most curious.



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