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On Fri, 16 Jul 2021 14:00:11 -0400
charles meyer <> wrote:

I'm trying to help our "Friends of the Library" NPO create, manage
and have hosted a fairly simple Web site.

All their experience is in Windows.

They are great people but not tech oriented (nor interested in
becoming so)  so I've narrowed down their web site builder and
hosting choices as follows:

1 Wix
As a regular user, I hate wix-based sites. Too many domains need to be
authorised; lots of stuff (garbage?) loaded etc etc

2 SquareSpace
3 Go Daddy
Of those three, the only one I regularly see and that doesn't cause me
grief as a user is wordpress.

Just my 2c

Have you developed any Web sites or helped others with their Web

If so, might you please share any checklist for features, functions,
factors to consider in choosing a Web site builder/host?

Ex. How much bandwidth - storage space needed? Has SSL certificate?

I've Googled this and there doesn't seem to be any "vetting"
organization which shares checklists of what to look for in a web
site builder/hosting co.

I found "reviews" but each reviewer seems to have a leaning - e.g.
WordPress preferences, Wix choice, etc. so the reviews seeme a tad

On the Wix site, I've clicked on Start here for Customer Care several
times and it never connects to anything.

I'm wondering how I can find both satisfied and unsatisfied customers
with articulated reasons why they like/don't like their web builder

Thank you.


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