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I am using a PC with Windows 10 Pro x64, printer Kyocera FS-1061DN and
LibreOffice x64.
The Problem is now, that it is not possible to pass important printing parameters as single side or double side print to the printer. The printer can only be used with his standard parameters.
When I tray to set the parameters out of the LO-Application (Calc, 
Writer), I get the Kyocera popup, where I can put in all parameters. 
When finishing this Dialog an error popup occurs telling me that an 
invalid access occured. The message included the path
C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\program\soffice.bin.

When continuing, the print will be started, however ignoring the parameters of the setting. Therefore I can only print double side. The new LO has now the functionality for the Input of all parameters without using the Kyocera popup, however the same error message occurs, when ending the dialog.
When using simple printers as Microsoft print to PDF such problems 
doesn’t occur and other applications as e.g. Acrobat Reader allow to set 
all printing parameters.
If I need now a single sided print, I have to print single sided to .pdf 
and then from .pdf single sided to paper.
However I would like it very much, when a direct printing according to 
the needs would be available.
Kind regards


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