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Hi Mauricio,

Mauricio Baeza schrieb am 11.02.2021 um 19:26:
On Thu, 2021-02-11 at 19:08 +0100, Regina Henschel wrote:
Hi all,

does someone has a basic macro snippet for to insert a custom shape
(e.g. a smiley) into a page?

Background: For a unit test I need to insert a custom shape via code
similar to as it is done via mouse. But I have no idea how to code
it. A
macro might give me an initial stage for a solution.

Kind regards

For Calc, for example:

Sub Main
Dim size As New
Dim args(0) As New

     doc = ThisComponent
     sheet = doc.getCurrentController.getActiveSheet()
     dp = sheet.getDrawPage()
     shape =

     size.Width = 5000
     size.Height = 5000
     args(0).Name = "Type"
     args(0).Value = "smiley"
     shape.setPropertyValue("CustomShapeGeometry", args)
End Sub
Aha! That means, that Size and Type are set after the object is added to 
the draw page.
Unfortunately using this macro, does not show the error, which I'm going 
to fix. Nevertheless I will test in code, whether creating with a ctor 
with new ... (which corresponds to createInstance) and then applying the 
properties will work. But I will need some time for that.
Kind regards

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