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Hello Dan,

As far as I know, each table needs to be opened separately. That will open
a separate Calc window with a tab for the table that was opened. The tabs
can then be moved into a single spreadsheet by right-click the tab in one
of the spreadsheets and selecting the "Move or Copy Sheet..." option.

Alternately the first dbf can be opened then each additional table can be
opened in a new tab using the menu path Sheet>Insert Sheet from File...
This 2nd option saves the step of grouping the sheets into a single
spreadsheet after opening each file into its own spreadsheet.

I do not know of a way for Calc to open all tables in a database into
individual tabs in a single spreadsheet.

I did use dBASE for many years. My recollection is that a "database" was a
logical construct in dBASE. By default it would include all tables in the
database's directory and tables in other directories could be included by
pointers to their location.

There is no option I can find in Calc to read the database file so it can't
open and read all tables in a database by selecting and opening the
database. Each table must be opened individually.

On Wed, Sep 16, 2020 at 10:31 AM Dan Lewis <> wrote:

I have a dBase database with several tables. How do I open this database
in Calc so that each table will have its own sheet?


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Alan Boba
CISSP, CCENT, ITIL v3 Foundations 2011

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