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On Sun, 30 Aug 2020 16:55:19 -0400
Dan Lewis <> dijo:

And once you have a blank page with the margins you want, save it as
a page style. Now it's just one click to apply it. Or you can apply a
keyboard shortcut to apply the page style.

John: Are you talking about saving that blank page with the narrow
margins set as a template? This way, double clicking this template
will automatically open a new document with the narrow margins.

I really meant that you should save it as a page style. In my LO
Writer styles palette I have character styles, paragraph styles, frame
styles, and page styles. And I misspoke - it's really two clicks to
apply it, because first you have to click to switch from paragraph
styles (the default view) to page styles.

But you could just as easily do it with a template. I just prefer styles
because LO templates confuse me.

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