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On Sat, 15 Aug 2020 16:25:26 -0400
Dan Lewis <> wrote:

You are working with the wrong style. You need to change the style
for the title heading. This style should have several Tabs which
include Font Effects which is where you need. There look for the
title underlining. The drop down list to its right contains the type
of underlining, and the next drop down list contains the possible
colors that can be used.

The underlining only underlines the text itself. To 'underline' the
whole row, you need to set a border.


On 8/15/20 3:43 PM, charles meyer wrote:
I'm trying to recreate that thin grey line which appears below a
title heading on Wikipedia pages.


Is that considered a Border Line in Libre Writer?

If so, I tried to create one following these steps

But, after I highlight my heading and the click Table, the
Properties under that is all grayed out.

Thank you.

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