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I suggest using LibreOffice Help. For this you must be either connected to the Internet when opening Help or have installed the Help download for your LibreOffice version.

Using F1, open Help. Select Writer as the module. Enter "drop-down list" in the selection box. What you should see is one link with the heading Global above it. To the right you will see a lot of information on creating a form.

If this is not what you want to do, then it is not possible to do what you want.


On 7/28/20 18:35, R5chwabe wrote:

I would like to know (if possible) how to insert a drop-down list in a cell,
from my table in the writer. Like the function (Data -> Validation -> List
of Values) in Calc. I would like to insert it directly into Writer, so I
don't need to link or something. If anyone can gently help me, i will be
gratefull. Thanks!

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