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On 2020-06-29 12:07, charles meyer wrote:
Lastly, I scanned (Using Prestol Manager on a Cannon scanner) a printed
page which contains Web site urls listed.

I exported that image into WordPad and saved as am .rtf file.

It opens in Libre Writer as if it’s a graphic image (with a box around all
the urls listed vertically but how can I use LW to extract each url so I
could paste each url (one by one) into Firefox for any browser to search
those Web sites.

Charles, are you familiar with scanning for optical character recognition (OCR)? [Your question 
suggests that you may not be.] I don't know what Canon scanner you used, and don't know Prestol 
Manager, but many scanners (especially modern multi-function printer/copiers) support OCR scanning 
natively; for others there are scan management tools to process the raster scan for OCR to various 
text file formats. You will have to find out about what tools you have. Then the text from your OCR 
output can be imported into LibreOffice Writer.

May I make another suggestion? You asked three unrelated questions in one email, which is not a 
formula for getting questions answered. You notice that Philip answered the first two of those 
questions in two separate replies. That is especially helpful if one of the questions has follow-on 
correspondence. I'm addressing the third question -- which is really not a LibreOffice question -- 
and appending this suggestion on how to get questions answered efficiently. One topic per message, 
with a succinct Subject line, will help you.


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