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If your goal is to only display the values according to a uniform
convention, you can define a cell numbering format that reverses the
display when compared to a "normal" display for the cells that contain
reverse-convention values. Something like this:

[<=0]# ##0;[>0]-# ##0;Standard

This will apply a "positve" format to a negative number, and a
"negative" format to a positive number, displaying "32" as "-32" and
vice-versa. Of course, this only changes the display. If you make any
calculations with these numbers, you will need to  adjust your formula
accordingly but that is something relatively easy to do if your column
heading or a cell contains the name of the financial institution that
provided the value.

I hope this helps.


Le lundi 29 juin 2020 à 16:11 -0700, MR ZenWiz a écrit :
I have spreadsheets from my financial institutions (for tax purposes).
Some of them do the deposits as positive and the debits as negative,
and others do the reverse.

Is there an easy way to multiply an entire column by -1 so I can make
them all fit a uniform convention?

What I've done before is convert the spreadsheets to .csv, use a shell
script to invert the chosen column and then convert back to .ods.
This is really clunky.

Thanks in advance.


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