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Den fre 26 juni 2020 kl 18:20 skrev Johnny Rosenberg <
Today when I opened the Basic IDE for macro editing, I noticed that the
font changed. I'm not sure which one it is now, but maybe FreeSans or
something, but it used to be one of those mono fonts, and I want my old
font back. How do I change font in the Basic IDE?

I found it in the Tools → Options dialogue.  It was set to Automatic and to
only include mono type fonts, but in spite of that, a non mono type font
was selected. I just selected a mono type font (Droid Sans Mono), which is
the only one I found so far that is true Sans Serif. Many Sans Serif fonts
have a serif in the ones (1), for some strange reason, which I find
inconsistent and ugly. Anyway, my problem is solved now and I'm happy with
the Droid Sans mono until I find an even better one. Just strange that a
non momo type font was selected when set to Automatic, I don't have a clue
why that happened.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

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