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I'm posting this here because I don't believe it is a bug, but something weird that has happened to LibreOffice on my system.
I've been using LibreOffice happily on Debian for years.

Currently I have LibreOffice 40(Build:2) on Debian Testing.

Now suddenly for reasons unknown to me, I cannot open LibreOffice at all.

I've tried from the menu, and in a terminal, and the outcome is constant. The splash screen shows up, and the progress bar reaches just less than 50% of completion. Then the splash screen disappears from the screen, and I get nothing more. LO is not running.
From the terminal I've tried "libreoffice", "libreoffice --writer", and 
"libreoffice --calc". "libreofice --safe-mode" produces the same result.
I've also tried all of these actions as another user on the same box. 
Same result.
I see nothing in my logs.

I'm desperate to get LO running again and would appreciate any suggestions.


Chris Dunn

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