On Mon, Jun 1, 2020 at 8:21 PM Anne Wilson <anne@lydgate.org
<mailto:anne@lydgate.org>> wrote:
On 01/06/2020 10:42, Pulkit Krishna wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 1, 2020 at 3:04 PM Anne Wilson <anne@lydgate.org
> <mailto:anne@lydgate.org <mailto:anne@lydgate.org>>> wrote:
> I keep a database of magazine articles, with the file saved on my
> server which is accessed by a drive mapping (Y:).
> It may be the source of error that the database isn't stored locally.
I know things can change, but I used a local Libre Office installation
with this database accessed from the mapped drive, (Y:), exactly as I
have set it up. Since the new laptop was necessitated by a hard drive
trashing, I can't look back to try to find any other possible culprits.
> I installed java runtime and checked the version. However when I try
> to run Base I see the page that lists tables, forms, reports etc.
> Actually they are listed on different pages.
> , but can't open any of those links.
> Links? What links?
Sure - my bad description. Along with the attachment reporting lack of
Java, I attached an overview of what I can currently see. It looks fine
- just as I'd expect, but when I try to open the Display view, most used
as it contains description and images, I get the no-java report.
> The mailing list removes any attachment. Can you send the attachment
> to me directly?
My bad - I should have remembered that.
> Please can someone point me towards finding what is causing this?
> Thanks.
> Also, I would be help you much more efficiently if you provide other
> technical details such as your operating system, architecture,
> LibreOffice version, which java you use? (oracle or openjava) Java
> version etc.
OK - Windows 10 v.1909 64-bit. Java is Oracle 8, v.251 - I think on the
old laptop I had openjava. It is installed at C:\Program Files
(x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_251\. Is this in fact a 32-bit version? I know LO
says I must have a 64-bit version.
Anything else that would help?