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On Mon, 2020-05-18 at 20:00 -0500, Jim wrote:
On 5/17/20 11:10 PM, Mauricio Baeza wrote:
On Sat, 2020-05-16 at 20:26 -0500, Jim wrote:
I started experimenting with calling a basic function from a
script. I was surprised that without to much trouble I got it to
a certain extent.

I am working on linux Mint.

I started with a basic Sub I found. In it's original form it had
values hard coded and it popped up a message box that displayed
color value from the rgb input. I rewrote it as a Function that
rgb values as parameters.

Here is the basic:

Function ColorExampleFunc(r as long, g as long, b as long)
Dim lVar As Long
lVar = rgb(207,231,245)
msgbox "The color " & lVar & " consists of:" & Chr(13) &_
"red= " & red(lVar) & Chr(13)&_
"green= " & green(lVar) & Chr(13)&_
"blue= " & blue(lVar) & Chr(13) , 64,"colors"

end function

Here is the python:
import os

result = os.system('soffice

This works as it will pop up the message box with the color value
displayed. What I need to do is capture that color value (which
usually an eight digit number) in variable in the python script.

I printed result and it was equal to 0.

It's been a long time since I did anything in basic. I imagine I
have to get rid of the msgbox code and set the rgb values equal
to a
variable and then return them, but I'm not sure how to do it.

Does anyone know how to get the color value in the python script?

Thanks, Jim

You need used MasterScriptProviderFactory

Change the original Basic function to:

Function ColorExampleFunc(r As Integer, g As Integer, b As Integer)
    ColorExampleFunc = RGB(r, g, b)
end function

Then you can call, look my example:

Best regards


Thanks for sharing your script with me. I ran it but got a
fault. I scattered some print()'s throughout the script and it looks 
like this is the line that may be causing the problem.

script = factory.createScriptProvider('').getScript(url) which is in
def _call_macro_basic(location, args) function. Execution does not 
continue past that line.

I have been working on automating some of my worksheets using
This means that I must start libreoffice calc like this:

libreoffice /home/jfb/Dev/Test_OOSheet.ods 

Maybe this is why the script works for you and gives me the
fault. I am going to keep trying get it to work for me as I think it 
offers me the best chance of doing what I want to do.

Thanks,  Jim

The script work fine, if you execute into LibreOffice. If you want
execute outside LibreOffice, you need used other technique.

But, if you tell me "exactly" your context and that you "exactly" want,
I can help you, but I don't like to guess. 

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