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Hi Guys and Gals,

I have two feature suggestions.

They deal with the same issue, but in different ways.

The intent of both suggestions is to allow the user to limit the number of objects / text entities 
/ shapes etc. that are available for editing when a PDF is opened in the LibreOffice editor.

For e.g.; Say I want to open an object-heavy editable-PDF form from the Tax Department.

I do not want to modify anything on the form, except enter data (as and where required in editable 
data fields), so that I can save the result and email it to its end-user.

Currently it seems that any PDF opened by Draw is deconstructed (I will use that word) into the 
maximum number of editable objects / text entities / shapes / backgrounds, etc. regardless of the 
users intent.

That's great sometimes, but not always.

This means a lot of waiting for Draw to go through its processes, and the result is a document that 
often has lots of little entities that are ever-so-slightly moved or resized when compared with the 
original, all of which needs to be realigned and corrected, before text can even be added.

My first proposed implementation would be an import filter that allows a user to decide what level 
of editing they require, before opening the pdf.

Perhaps something in Tools/Options/+Load&Save  (a checkbox, if I know its only text I will be 
needing to manipulate or enter).

Then LO doesn’t need to interpret anything else in the PDF except text (and can leave everything 
else rasterised).

My second option to achieve a similar result would be for there to be a distinction between a PDF 
opened in Draw (fully editable, as at present), and adding  an ability to open a PDF in Writer, but 
where only the Text-Edit functionality is available. (Like enabling word processing of a PDF, which 
is consistent with Writer's design intent)

I did broach this on the user forum, but my post got terminated by a bot who obviously doesn’t do 
his own tax.


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