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On Saturday, 2 May 2020 10:17:28 BST Robert Großkopf wrote:
Hi Ian,

you could try this:
Change the TOC. It is protected against manual changes.
How do you change it if its protected other than update it? I couldn't find how to "unprotect it"

Set the cursor at the start of the TOC.
Press Alt + Enter two times.
The first break will be part of the TOC, the second break will be out of
the TOC.
Set the TOC back to protection against manual changes.
Thats didn't work due to above i guess.
The only work-around i found was to delete the TOC and then insert a page then re-create the TOC.
I would have thought that LO should be able to insert a page (or page break etc) above a TOC 
without breaking the integrity of the TOC (but you'll have to remember to manually update it as 
usual with the new page numbers afterwards)




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