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On 01/05/20 11:31 PM, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
Den fre 1 maj 2020 kl 18:11 skrev Ken Heard <>:

On 01/05/20 06:21 PM, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
Den fre 1 maj 2020 kl 12:27 skrev Ken Heard <>:

How does one make the default time format for the 'time' field HH:MM
instead of HH:MM:SS?

In Writer?

Right click the field and click ”Edit Fields…”.
Select the format you want, I believe the first one is the one you are
looking for. If it's not in the list, click ”Additional Formats…” and in
the new dialogue that opens you can set your field to whatever format you
I followed your instructions, but as far as I can see they will only
change the format of the time field for that use of the field, What I
want to do is to change the *default* of the time field to HH:MM from

Regards, Ken Heard

Have a look here then:

I'll quote the important part, in case that page is removed at some point:
”*The default formats (date/time, currency, fixed/scientific/percent; in
long/medium/short variants where applicable) depend on cell/field/...
language, and are hardcoded in the corresponding locale data (see
for the locale data definitions). They are not configurable (unless you
rebuild LibreOffice).*

*You may want to create a macro to automate insertion of fields with
desired format; please see this question
for details.*”
Thank you Johnny for this information.  So I now have really two 
options,  One is to learn all about LibreOffice macros and create a 
macro to give the result I want, OR simply type in the time wherever I 
want it.  While I do want sometime to learn all about macros, for the 
time being I will choose the second option!
Regards, Ken Heard

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