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Another option is to place the cursor at the beginning of the text to
copy (may be select the first word with the mouse) and then shift-click
at the end so you don't copy all the other stuff in the page.
Some times it also works better starting from the end of the text and
shift-click at the beginning.

On 22/04/2020 08:14, Tim Deaton wrote:
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On 4/13/2020 12:12 PM, charles meyer wrote:
Hi All,

I choose Select all or do Ctrl/A, then copy a Web site of text and live
links inot Writer and it appears with blue background so it's
difficult to

If I copy/Paste Special it loses the live links.

There are no photos or other graphics on the page.

I wanted to edit the text so I dind;t want to print it as a pdf.





For that particular website, you may need to use another method to
select what you want to copy from the website, such as using the
left-mouse button to  drag the cursor across the content to select
it.  I often find that I get better results copying parts of the
webpage at a time, skipping objects that I don't really want.

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