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On 2020-04-15 09:08, Pulkit Krishna wrote:
A graphical way to install multiple versions of libreoffice on windows is
Separate Install GUI. It can be downloaded from:
Its documentation can be found at:-
Thanks. But (a) it's only for Windows (though that is important) and (b) developer Florian 
Reisinger has not looked at it for a while and a couple of links were broken. He was very 
responsive to email inquiries and fixed one link quickly, but the other one for SI-GUI support at 
nabble will not be so easy to replace.

Still, I want to use SI-GUI for Windows, if only to help others whom I'm introducing to LO. 
Meanwhile, though, I wanted to understand what what is needed for parallel installations, and the 
bootstrap variables were important to understand. It was worth pursuing this question just to get 
(from one of Regina's links) the following table:

        Bootstrap variable      Meaning
        $SYSUSERHOME    Path of the user's home directory (see osl_getHomeDir())
        $SYSBINDIR      Path to the directory of the current executable.
        $ORIGIN         Path to the directory of the ini/rc file.
        $SYSUSERCONFIG  Path to the directory where the user's configuration data is stored (see 

I appreciate your reply.
Kind regards,

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