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On Sun, 15 Mar 2020 14:57:06 -0400
charles meyer <> wrote:

Hi All,

I've got a refurbished laptop running W10 Pro and installed the
latest VLC Media Player.
Sorry but what has a VLC problem got to do with libreoffice?

On W7, I could Add a video file downloaded from YouTube and then
select Convert and it allowed me to browse to where I want to
convert/save it to (e.g. hard drive, flash drive, etc.) and to choose
which format to convert to/save as (e.g. .flac, .mp3).

But, VLC doesn't seem to do that now.

I've read I need to make modifications in  the "Sapnner" button.

I never had to do that with older VLC Media Player.

I've Googled this and looked at 3 pages of results but none show me
what that Spanner button likes like, where to find it nor what
settings I need to set to enable Convert (in older version a
drop-down menu would appear in the down arrow offering many formats
to convert to including .flac, .mp3, etc.)

I anyone has a url link to graphic images which show you what you
need to now re: the Spanner button or if you could share the url to
any site which details that I;d appreciate your help.

Thank you.

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