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Hello Charles

Suggest you go to a more current stable version, 6.3.5.

Allow download to begin. On that page, click on "LibreOffice built-in help".

If that doesn't work, then, after downloading the package, use browser to go back to same page and click on the green link that says ":

 * Help for offline use: *English (US)*

Do not use(Torrent <>, Info <>) unless that is type of download you want.

On 3/1/20 2:37 PM, charles meyer wrote:
Hi Paul,

I hope this email fiend you well.

I downloaded the most recent version of Libre Office (.6.2. something ) running on Windows 10 Pro on a laptop.

I need to download the help file which works with Libre Writer.

Would you pls share the direct link to that download?

Also, I can't seem to find where you adjust margins in Writer.

Menu <Format><Page> and change Left/Right margins.

This is also the place for changing 'Orientation' from Landscape to Portrait.

It used to be under Edit or File>Page Layout.

I have "text" words in an Excel spreadsheet file. I copy and the paste them into a Libre Write new document but about 1/3 of those words goo off the page to the right so I can't read them.

Sorry, but I am not familiar with how Excel copies to Writer.

What I always do when copying from an uncommon format is clear it and use the software's format.

Highlight incorrectly formatted text, then Menu <Format><Clear Direct Formatting>

I don't know how to reach Landscape (from Portrait) to read the words/text better (like you can in Print) - is there a way to do that in Writer?

Thanks so much.


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