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I have Catalina (10.15.3) running and with me it’s working exactly as described.


Op 27 feb. 2020, om 17:08 heeft Ken Springer <> het volgende geschreven:

On 2/27/20 7:29 AM, Alwyn wrote:
Thanks for that although the route must have changed with Catalina.  
I don't use Catalina as I have some 32 bit software that I use.

But I do have a bootable Catalina drive that I just booted into.

It looks like Apple has removed that feature from System Preferences. Unless they've moved it 
somewhere else, but I didn't find anything with a quick web search.

Meaning, Apple has removed the more efficient way of setting file associations.  :-(

I do part time computer tutoring, as I'm retired.  So I've been spending a lot of time learning 
Windows 10.  It seems both Apple and Microsoft is removing things you can adjust from the GUI 
that makes the systems easier for an individual user.

That being said, I don't know what is possible via Terminal or Command Line/Powershell.

I used
Finder/Help/entered default, and was directed to 'Choose an app to open a
file on Mac'.  Under "Permanently change the app used to open a file"
process is:
1. On your Mac, click the Finder icon  in the Dock to open a Finder window.
2. Select the file, then choose File > Get Info.
    You can also Control-click the file, then choose Get Info.
3. In the Info window, click the disclosure triangle next to “Open with”.
4. Click the pop-up menu, then choose the app.
I chose Libre Office for a .odt file and likewise for a .ods and the sam
with .doc, .docx,. xls and .xlsx
This way of setting the default program goes all the way back to 10.5, Leopard, in 2009.  
Possibly further back, as 2009 was when I bought my first Mac.

Did you remember to click the Change All button so all .odt files open with LO, and not just the 
one file?

MacOS 10.14.6
Firefox 70.0.1
Thunderbird 60.8
"My brain is like lightning, a quick flash
    and it's gone!"

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