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I am wondering if LO will be the solution that works best for you.
What is the format of the output series (columns, length, positional or
If you create output from 15 input variations, I assume that is 30
series. Can you simulate these and get Calc to chart them as you wish.
This will at least determine if LO is viable for your use.

On 18/02/2020 15:47, martin f krafft wrote:
Regarding the following, written by "Steve Edmonds" on 2020-02-18 at
15:06 Uhr +1300:

    Do Y and Z stay the same and just x varies (as input).

For this one graph, yes. I'd probably also want to make other graphs
with Y and Z varying.

    How many input values of x would you want process and display in
    one chart.

Between 5 and 15. But more would be better, to be honest, and hence
the desire to parametrise, rather than to hack this up with macros, or
using copy-paste.

-- @martinkrafft |
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