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Dave Stevens wrote
So I routinely need to open a .xls file. I'd prefer to use calc but it
opens the sheet as a text file, showing me the xml. f I use gnumeric it
defaults to displaying the sheet. I suppose there's a setting for this
in Calc but I don't know where. Anyone else know?


This would seem to be an import filter issue.  There have been a few (last
the 4.3 release), but the filter handling always is dependent on what actual
file structure is being parsed against a .xls extension.

Meaning, we need to see an example of the .XLS file causing you greief, and
knwo the specifics of your LibreOffice build and operating system and
Desktop Environment.

Those details are best provided in the project Bugzilla instance--
please submit there, and provide the issue  ID back to this ML.



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