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On 1/9/20 11:39 PM, John Sweeney wrote:
I am using 6.3, vanilla ubuntu. I continue to have a lot of problems
getting the font of a paragraph to obey the paragraph style instruction,
instead it tends to default to a font called "Default paragraph font" or
something else and no amount of removal of direct formatting or using
ctrl-m helps. Anyone got any ideas?
Your problem is obviously not direct formatting at all: it is with the 
style that has been applied to this paragraph. All you have to do is to 
change the font this style uses to get the font that you want.
F11 will open the Styles dialog on the right side of LIbreOffice. Make 
sure that paragraph styles is selected (far left icon at the top). 
Select the offending paragraph. The style that controls the attributes 
of this paragraph is highlighted. Right click the style and select 
"Modify..." Click the Font tab and then select the font you want to use 
from the list. Close this dialog.
I have been rather detailed because I am not sure you know how to change 
the properties of a style. I would also recommend (if you have not done 
so already) that you download the Styles chapter in the Getting Started 
Guide. The Writer Guide has one or two chapters on styles as well. It 
would be a good resource.

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