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The only way I could get the text sample you provided to be accepted as a
date was to leave the day name off. Typing Wed, Jan 2, 2020 into a cell
resulted in a cell that contained text. Typing Jan 2, 2020 into a cell
resulted in a cell that contained a date in the default date format,
mm/dd/yy. That could then be formatted to NN, MMM D, YYYY and display as
Wed, Jan 2, 2020.

The DATEVALUE() function will convert the string Jan 2, 2020 to a date. It
returns Err:502 when pointed at the string Wed, Jan 2, 2020.

My suggestion would be to input the substring Jan 2, 2020 into the
DATEVALUE function then format as desired to get your dates back.

e.g. =DATEVALUE(MID(A1,6,20))

On Mon, Dec 30, 2019 at 2:55 PM James <> wrote:

I had a spreadsheet with dates that I think somehow got converted to text.
I tried pasting it as plain text with detecting special numbers and I
tried setting the column to a date format but it still seems to come out
as text.

'Wed, Jan 2, 2020'

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Alan Boba
CISSP, CCENT, ITIL v3 Foundations 2011

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