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On Thu, 14 Nov 2019 19:04:53 +0000 (UTC), wrote:

I have an application that requires a large number of data series to be plotted as an XY chart on 
the same axes.
By default, each data series is plotted using a different symbol and colour but I need them to 
all use the same symbol and colour (specifically a small black dot).
Of course, it's easy to edit every data series individually but this would be a very laborious 
I'd be interested if anyone knows of a simpler way of achieving this, even if it involves writing 
a macro.
Thanks in anticipation of your response.

Make charts XY is little complicate but possible... look attach example gif.

This chart I generate with this code:

import easymacro as app

def chart_xy():
    doc = app.get_document()
    sheet = doc['Sheet1']
    data = sheet['A1'].current_region
    cell = sheet['A13']
    name = 'MyChartXY'
    if not sheet.exists_chart(name):
        with cell.create_chart('XY') as c:
   = name
   = data
            c.width = 10000
            c.height = 8000
            c.title.String = 'Test'
            c.legend.CharColor = app.get_color('black')

easymacro is my library for easy develop macros in LibreOffice... you can more information in:

If you not have problem with Python, I can add custom function for setting each serie like you need.

Best regards.
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