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Thank you!

On Fri, 18 Oct 2019, 05:18 Brian Barker, <> wrote:

At 23:45 17/10/2019 +0200, Pat Brown wrote:
I have changed my settings to use only the English UK dictionary ...
I don't think you have! Language is a property of various parts of
text within a document, not some setting in the product.

... but when I open a document it shows the English USA dictionary
at the bottom of the page.
No, it shows that this is the language set for text at the insertion
point, nothing about dictionaries.

How can I change this so that it never uses the USA dictionary?
I hope you cannot. If I send you a document in which I have
appropriately chosen to mark some or all of its text as "English
(USA)" (unlikely, in fact, but possible), your installation of the
program needs to respect that. What you *can* do is two things:

o Set the default language for *new* documents that you create to
"English (UK)", if that is what you desire.

o Change the language marked for all or part of the text within a
particular document to whatever is appropriate. Note that language is
a character property, so you can apply language as local - direct -
formatting, but it is better to learn about styles and apply language
settings using character styles or paragraph styles.

In fact, how can I delete the USA dictionary so that it is not even

It's never a good idea to go about tinkering with software and
deleting files, of course, but rather to use the product properly.
But even if you could do this, it would not - and should not -
prevent any text in any document being marked as "English (USA)". It
would simply mean that any such text could not have its spelling
checked: it would not somehow be magically checked using a dictionary
for another language. That would require the program to read your
mind: Finnish, Latvian, Esperanto? Oh, English (UK), eh?

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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