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El jue, 10-10-2019 a las 20:08 +0200, aguador escribió:
El jue, 10-10-2019 a las 10:49 +0100, mcmurchy1917techy escribió:
My question is where does the desk top environments get these icons
from? How can I get the calc and writer icons displaying in the
manager bar


The icons on the panel will be determined by the icon set chosen in
desktop environment, and most of the major sets (e.g., faenza,
breeze, oxygen) have a full set of icons for LO. So, even if only LO
icons are not displaying properly, it is not really a matter for this
list but for your distribution. I would post a question to its ML or
its forum. You could also try

BTW your message seems to imply that you have both the GTK XFCE and
QT Plasma DEs installed together, which is unusual. There might be a
chance that has something to do with the problem you are having. So
again, I would check with your distro.

PS If this is affecting LO only, there are a couple of things you can
try first. 1) Try restarting the LO applications in "safe mode" (from
the help menu). 2) If that does not help (which I doubt), back up your
profile and let LO create a new one ( 3) Download the
proper LO package (deb,rpm) from the Doc Foundation and see if it works
properly to rule out any packaging issues in your distro.

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