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Here is what I use : Mac Mojave, LO Version:, HSQLDB embedded.

Reading your post I fear that I do not have the knowledge to re-bind the form to the data source (unless you know where I can find a tutorial)
Thanks for your help.


Le 09/10/2019 à 09:29, Alexander Thurgood a écrit :
Le 08/10/2019 à 19:49, PascalH a écrit :

You have to re-bind the form to the datasource (tables, queries, or
whatever it was that you based form on originally). This is usually done
by opening the form in form design mode, and altering the properties of
the form.

You didn't mention which kind of database engine you are using, so this
possibility might not be available for all types of db engine, I don't
remember now.


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