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Hi *,

On Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 10:21 PM Larry Beck <> wrote:
After 6.3.2 install, I get the error below and see attached image for
actual error message.
The error message shows A LibreOfficeDev version, not a release version.

6.3.1 was already installed and working fine when
I upgraded to macOS 10.15 beta 9, now I cannot even install 6.3.1 again
or any RC
installing RC or final release should be possible, but not nightly/daily builds.

“” can’t be opened because its integrity cannot be
verified. This software needs to be updated. Contact the developer for
more information.
This is due to the notarization that Apple now enforces with the new
version of macOS.
notarization didn't have any errors and didn't show any warnings
either. (for notarization you upload the whole installset to apple,
they analyze it and that's it)

No problem installing on 10.14, and Gatekeeper is happy with the
signature and also recognizes the notarization:

$ spctl --assess -vv ~/Desktop/
/Users/tdf/Desktop/ accepted
source=Notarized Developer ID
origin=Developer ID Application: The Document Foundation (7P5S3ZLCN7)

$ codesign -vv --deep --strict ~/Desktop/
/Users/tdf/Desktop/ valid on disk
/Users/tdf/Desktop/ satisfies its Designated Requirement

Also when opening it shows the "has been downloaded from...." notice
with the added "Apple checked for malware and didn't find any" notice
that is added when the notarization is valid.

“” can’t be opened because its integrity cannot be
verified. This software needs to be updated. Contact the developer for
more information.
Only 6.3.x will be notarized (& stamped) with the extended signature,
6.2.x cannot be used without modifying gatekeeper.
That being said: Gatekeeper should be set to allow Mac Store as well
as verified/identified Developers - but that should be the default...

So if you really tried with 6.3.2 final release, please verify the
checksum of the download

and please check what your Gatekeeper is set to in system settings →
Security. Although I'd expect a different message if it was set to
only App Store..

If the checksum matches, Gatekeeper is set to allow AppStore as well
as verified Developers, then it definitely is not intended behaviour
and Apple changed signing requirements or similar without updating the
tools to detect that on stable version of the OS/the notarization
system as a whole...


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