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Den ons 28 aug. 2019 kl 19:03 skrev jean-francois <>:


Le 28/08/2019 à 06:25, jean-francois a écrit :

do you know of LibreOffice dialogs selection option?

See Tools > Options > LibreOffice > General, Open/Save dialogues, Use
LibreOffice dialogues checkbox.

This option replaces the OS Open/Save dialogues with LibreOffice own
ones. These have a Preferred Listbox on the left which should be what
you're looking for.

Johnny Rosenberg has pointed me that the said option doesn't exist any
more in the recent LibreOffice versions.

Actually I intended to reply to the group, but I accidentally replied
directly to you, sorry for that, I didn't mean to.

I'm using version 5.4 :(

I've checked in v.6.2 and, yes, it is not there any more :(

Now this option is carefully hidden in the expert configuration pane (uh?).

Tools > Options > LibreOffice > Advanced, click "Open Expert
Configuration" button.

In the org.openoffice.Office.Common branch (easiest is to enter "dialog"
in the search bar at the top), you get a bunch of entries. One of them
is "Misc" with a property of "UseSystemFileDialog". Set it to False
(double-click) to get the LibreOffice Open/Save dialogs I was talking

Thanks again to Johnny for debugging my message.

I was just interested to know the same thing as the original poster, so I
tried to follow your suggestion. Thanks to your updated reply I finally
found it and after using the LibreOffice dialogues for a couple of minutes
now I can say that it looks promising. I think I will use LibreOffice's
dialogues from now on. Thanks!

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

Jean-Francois Nifenecker, Bordeaux

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