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If I leave the drop down box alone and just type into the search field,
the search goes back to the beginning of my emails, 15 years.


On 22/07/2019 03:45, charles meyer wrote:
I'm trying to search and then save old gmails in my Libre Writer.

Has anyone found an easy way to search gmails older than just one year.

There's the search box drop down menu where you can search by terms and All
Mail + Spam but the drop down menu for date is limited by one year.

There's a box next to that box where you can play with dates going back 10+
years but that one year box next to it limits the search.

Can you pls share how you've been able (recently) to search all your mails
(or at least all your Sent mails) for the past 10+ years in your gmail

Thank you.

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