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El vie, 14-06-2019 a las 08:35 +0100, Mike Scott escribió:
On 12/06/2019 19:12, aguador wrote:
Does anyone on the list, whether from the DF or a user, know if
are plans to improve the save dialog?

As it stands, at least on Linux, separate partitions and connected
drives are no longer shown in the dialogue. Saving to such a
or drive means navigating there through the root directory. I know
it is possible to save the location, but this does not help if you
saving to a new or infrequently used external device.

Which dialogue box style have you selected?

Under Tools|Options|LibreOffice|general you get the option to choose
LO-style dialogues.

If I pick 'LO-style' I see what you appear to be describing;
that checkbox gives a more sensible (IMO) dialogue box.

(LO on Mint Sylvia)

Thanks, Mike, but there is no such setting in LO- If you would
like to follow this, there is an active bug report . . .:

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