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Den fre 26 apr. 2019 kl 22:42 skrev Johnny Rosenberg <

Den fre 26 apr. 2019 kl 20:37 skrev Luuk <>:

Let me rephrase the question.... ;)

In the 'example' line we see:

56  302    28/151

The actual cell contents are:

56 302     0,18543046357615894039735099337748

Is it possible to get the values '28' and '151' as show by the

Are we allowed to use the first two numbers (56 and 302 in this case) or
only the fraction (0,185…)?
Are we allowed to create our own cell functions?
Is the maximum values 999/999 or are higher numbers allowed?
Do you want one number (28) in one cell and the other number (151) in
another cell or what?

If you can use the original numbers (56 and 302 in the example above),
here's a short example:
C1=LCM(A1;B1)/B1 ⇨ 28
D1=LCM(A1;B1)/A1 ⇨ 151

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

On 26-4-2019 19:01, Luuk wrote:

Is there an option to convert a cell with format 'Fraction' to text?


a     b       'a/b

52    297     52/297
56    302     28/151
66    311     66/311

in this third line, i want to get '28' and '151'....

i tried TEXT(C2;""), and FIND("/";C2;1),

On 26-4-2019 00:45, Remy Gauthier wrote:

I am assuming you are using Calc. There is no formula to do this: it is
a cell formatting accessible via Format -> Cells... -> Numbers Tab,
then go to the "Fraction" category. There you can select the # ???/???
format which will do what you are looking for.

I hope this helps.

Le jeudi 25 avril 2019 ?? 21:42 +0000, James a ??crit :
I need a formula that takes as input a percent and outputs a fraction
that only has whole numbers.
1% -> "1/100"
0.5% -> "1/200"
1.5% -> "3/200"

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