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If the original PDF has been generated by a software which does not
provide the option of embedding fonts (as requested from the standard
format), or the user has not activated font embedding, there is not a
solution, and the issue is not LibreOffice but the PDF which has not
been generated properly.

LibreOffice does its best with the fonts installed on the system.

Of course, if you happen to know which is the original font used to
produce the PDF you can install that font - if free - and see if this
solves the issue.

Best regards.

On 18/03/2019 14:44, Malcolm Jaros wrote:
It occurs to me that Draw does not recognise, or does not have, the font used for the original 
document and substitutes one that it does have.
My problem is that the original, serif, font is being substituted by a monopitch font.
Regards, MalJaros

----- Original Message -----
From: "Malcolm Jaros" <>
To: "Global Users@" <>
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2019 3:27:05 PM
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: Draw changes font when opening pdf text file.

I do apologize for not pointing out that I am using on Ubuntu 18.04 

Regards, MalJaros 

From: "Malcolm Jaros" <> 
To: "Global Users@" <> 
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2019 3:24:12 PM 
Subject: Draw changes font when opening pdf text file. 

Greetings All. 
I would like to add a few words to the text embedded in a pdf file. 
When the file is opened in Draw the text is displayed, and subsequently saved, in a different 
font from the that in the original file. 
This unfortunately changes the line length and hence the page layout, which makes the amended 
copy unusable. 
How can I prevent this? 
Regards, MalJaros 

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