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Some years ago I had the same problem as you using LibreOffice on Windows.
It was solved by checking that the user interface language (Tools ->
Language settings -> User interface) was the same of that of the Help file
that you installed.

As an aside this problem doesn't arise under Linux as both the user
interface and the help are installed separately and will automatically have
the same language.  This is not the case with the Windows version and hence
someone not in the know can install LibreOffice in say the UK and
automatically have the user interface set to UK English.  If then the help
file for say US English is installed it will not be available.


On Tue, 5 Mar 2019 at 16:05, Paul D. Mirowsky <>

Have now tried...


[Toolbars]        Search "Help" which results in

    Get Help Online
    Helplines While Moving
    LibreOffice Help

Selecting "LibreOffice Help"

Selecting {Defaults} and said {Yes}.

Results in Firefox tab with text "Help Page Redirection" at URL

I'm am not sure of the context of the {Defaults} button, but am assuming
it does not mean correcting the URL because it doesn't.

Bueller?,   Bueller?, Bueller?,   Bueller?

On 3/1/2019 11:39 AM, Paul D. Mirowsky wrote:
I have removed and re-installed

But when I use <Help> <LibreOffice Help>, it sends me to my browser at


Any ideas on how to fix this.

Help does not show up in "Options - LibreOffice - Paths".  Maybe it



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