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if I wrote a macro that inserts the letter 'X', I would not expect the insertion to specify the 
font unless I went out of my way to do so.

I am interested in seeing the macro that you are using.

I'm not able right now to try to find a macro that would do what you want, but if you can't find 
one let me know, and I will see if I can provide one for you after I look at the macro you are 
using now.

Understand, however, the next two days for me will be hit or miss on availability.

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On Feb 12, 2019, 9:55 PM, at 9:55 PM, Thomas Blasejewicz <> wrote:
Good morning
I have another strange question.
Work related I have to insert not infrequently symbols into texts.
To make work easier, I have already created a number of macros to
for example the symbol "micro" into a text using a keyboard shortcut.

Let's say, I created the macro in a document that happened to use 
"Arial" as font and later want to use it in a document that uses "Times

Roman". The macro I created then inserts an "Arial font micro" into the

Times Roman text, which then looks out of place.

Is there a trick to create macros, so that the inserted symbol matches 
the surrounding font?
I have tried all sorts of things, but could not yet find a solution.
It is not really a "problem", but such an automatic font adjustment 
would be nice/helpful.

Thank you.

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