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On 2/12/19 2:17 PM, Luuk wrote:

On 11-2-2019 22:05, Tim-L wrote:
I am working on making color palettes - via individual or collection OXT files.

The problem is when I add them to LibreOffice, the font color drop down list of palettes is not sorted in any way, except the one that came with LO are the last ones shown.

Here is a link for what I am talking about.

Is there a reason why the list of color palettes is not sorted?

Any way to get it sorted, or do this needs to be done on the design/coding side?

Here is the start of my palette collection and individual one is OXT files.

I do see a sorted list , starting with


than 'A' - 'Z'

than 'a' - 'z'

than 'Document colors'

(i just upgraded from 6.0.? to

What is not sorted is the list of Color Palettes installed

Adler-color1200-Colors Palette-Collections.oxt Akzo-Nobel-Colormap-FD-Colors Pantano-Coated Resene-Colors Lego Brick Colors Saturated-Percent-Colors Name-That-Color Shading-Pan-Colors NBS-colors This is not sorted. When you have a large palette collection - over 60 - it is really hard to find the wanted palette. I will be reduce the Palette Collection OXT file to a smaller number. This will be after I decide which ones I do not want to use. About half may be removed and made into their own Color Palette OXT files. SO, is there any way to get the Color Palette Name drop down list sorted by alpha/name "A"- "Z"? Every one I will make will have an uppercase letter as its first letter of the palette's name.

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