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Hi Paul,
Opening the "2 Amps to Volts-High by Series"
There seems to be something wrong in the saved query, which isn't shown
while editing the query.

For other users:
1. I have tested to execute the query.
2. Execution fails.
3. I opened the query in design-view.
4. I executed the query.
5. Execution works.
This is the problem, what nobody could understand ...

6. I changed something in the query (removed "Equipment"."Series" = 134
) and saved the query.
7. Closed the design-view.
8. Execution fails.
Then I opened the query, added the removed part again, saved ...
All the same.

...But when I open the query and save the query with a new name the
query will be saved with this new name and could be executed. So I
created, for example
"12 Amps to Volts-High by Series"
and it works.

I guess there is something saved in the code of the odb-file, which
isn't loaded for query-design. If I save the query with changed content
this part wouldn't be changed. If I save the query as new the content
will be created from the query-editor-gui.

Never seen such a behaviour before.


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