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Den lör 5 jan. 2019 kl 18:39 skrev Remy Gauthier <>:


If you apply any style that has borders re-defined in any way (including
"no borders"), setting the cell style will override whatever settings you
previously made. I did a few tests and if, in your style definition you
only change - for instance - the background color, then the borders that
were set previously around the cell (Format > Cells...) remain unchanged
when the style is applied.

Yes, I know that ”no borders” means ”no borders”, so pre-existing ones will
be removed. But when you select your borders in the borders tab of the
style dialogue, clicking a border once makes it look like a black (or
whatever selected in the colour combo box) line. If I click it again, the
line turns thicker and gray. I though THAT meant ”don't change”, at least
that would have made sense. So what does it mean instead?
And if I click it again, the line disappears, which obviously means ”no

If you want to re-initialise the border definition, you can press the
"Standard" button in the bottom right corner of the Style Edit panel when
the Borders tab is selected. This will reset the definition to the setting
of the parent (Herited from on the Organizer tab) - important note here: if
the parent has any border settings, then you will not be able to achieve
your objective of having a style that uses "whatever was already there".
This means you should create your styles as children of Default, and never
change Default itself unless it's for font settings or background color.

Now, what is it you are trying to do? Are you creating styles to apply
Conditional Formatting?


Or are you just trying to make your table "pretty"?


If it's the latter, I suggest you do it "à la Excel" and just apply the
formatting (background, borders, fonts, etc.) manually, without styles. If
it's Conditional Formatting, apply the borders manually, then apply the
highlighting styles to obtain the effect you are looking for, based on the
condition set. You can also use the STYLE function to dynamically apply a
style from a formula:

- If the result is a number, the formula would then be:
- If the result is text, the formula could be:
=CONCATENATE(Calculatiom_of_the_text,TEXT(STYLE("StyleName")," "))

This also works, but still requires you to manually apply the borders.
Also note that trying multiple styles to a cell does not work (e.g.
only the last applied style is kept.

I think I described what I was trying to do in my first post.
I have that table looking thing with borders. I have a few cell styles with
different background colours representing different ”modes” of something.
If this thing worked properly (which it maybe does once I understand it),
all I have to do is to select a cell range and double click a style in the
right hand panel. It has to be easy and quick, because I am going to do
this a lot and also I prefer to use styles, since it's so easy to change
specific things for a specific style rather than searching and replacing
things directly on the spreadsheet.

I hope this helps.

At least I now have some more things to try, but I'm still puzzled about
that third boarder line mode that I mentioned above. I thing it would be
awesome if the third mode actually was the ”don't change” mode. That would
be intuitive.
Overall though, unfortunately I think that the styles thing in LibreOffice
(and Apache OpenOffice) is a mess. There are som many ways to format a cell
that it's sometimes very hard to find the source for a cell format when
something isn't correctly formatted and it's not obvious where the problem
lies. If you format a cell in several ways at once, it's hard to realise
which format will ”dominate”.
Never mind, that spreadsheet document isn't my most important one anyway, I
just thought that if I ran into a bug I could report it. I just wanted to
check here first if I maybe missed something. I don't want to annoy the
developers with imaginary bugs…

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

Le vendredi 04 janvier 2019 à 23:33 +0100, Johnny Rosenberg a écrit :

Sorry for bothering again, but how do I set certain things in a style to

”don't change”?

For instance, I have cell styles with different background colours that I

apply to cells in a sheet looking like a table with different borders and

things like that, for instance the first cell in a column has an upper

border line, the last one has a lower border line. When I apply a cell

style to these, the lines disappear and I have to add them again, manually.

Or if I add the lines to the style, they are also added where I don't want

them. Creating a style for each thinkable scenario is of course

overwhelming, and not a convenient way to go.

I just want to set all border lines to ”whatever was already there”, and I

thought I could, but it didn't work.

When I click a line in the border line section in the styles dialogue, a

line appears, if I click again the line turns thicker and grayer and a

third click removes the line again, but neither of those three states seems

to do what I want. Either lines are drawn or removed, never left untouched

when applying the style.

What am I missing?

Yes, even the bug-monster Excel can do this. :o

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

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