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2018. 10. 18. 22:08 keltezéssel, jorge Rodríguez Fonseca írta:
Hi Albert and all:

        As In understood you need to change the color of the letter,
variables and similar that you input in a formula that you make with
with Math. For this you need to select Attribute option from list below

I hope this help



El jue, 18-10-2018 a las 19:36 +0200, Albert Oszkó escribió:
Hi all,

I would like to write some mathematical equations in Writer with LO
Math. Unfortunately the formula editor background is dark grey with
black letters. How could I change the background color. I use LO in
openSUSE, tried to change desktop color schemes, window color
but to no  avail. I also tried to modifx LO setting, but obviously,
not find the correct one. In LO I also use a dark scheme but now I
cannot change it. I have LO and KDE .



Thanks, but this is not what I thought of. I thoght of the background of the window that opens when you want to insert an equation into writer. That is the window where you can edit your equation.

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