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(This is also described at

I  use libreoffice with libreoffice-sdbc-postgresql driver. I do not
know where the bug is.

I have simple form based on postgresql table.
In this table there is a column

name                type                                  nullable default value
utw                 timestamp without time zone           not null now()

This column does not have its field in form.
With package:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
Package: libreoffice-base                
Version: 1:6.1.2-1
Package: libreoffice-sdbc-postgresql     
Version: 1:6.1.2-1
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

I cannot save filled form to database, because
"required utw field has no value"

When I drop "not null" from column, and restart libreoffice - form could
be saved to database.

When I tried with version: 1:6.1.1~rc1-2 of libreoffice packages its
works as expected.

Should I fill a bug? On debian's page or here? Aginst which

Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead.
                -- Benjamin Franklin

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